Privacy Policy

The National eLearning Center (NELC) is committed to the responsibility of processing information and data that it collects from your usage of the National eLearning Platform. NELC does not collect any personal information.


  1. Information that NELC collects about you:

If you are a registered member at the National eLearning Platform, you will have provided personal information to NELC. We may use this information in several ways to provide and improve educational services and learning quality.


  1. Cookies:

When you visit the National eLearning Platform, one or several cookies might be sent to your computer. A cookie is a small text file containing a series of digital alphabetic codes used to uniquely identify your browser and help you access websites and browse them faster. The cookie may transmit information to NELC regarding how to use the National eLearning Platform (for example, pages viewed on the Platform, clicked links, and other actions taken on the Platform). Cookies allow NELC to track your use of the Platform over time. A cookie that is specific for one session is temporary and expires after closing your browser. Persistent cookie is stored on your hard drive after closing the browser, to facilitate your next visit to the National eLearning Platform. Persistent cookies can be deleted by following the instructions provided in your browser. You may configure your browser to deny all cookies or specify when cookies should be used. However, some features of the National eLearning Platform may not work properly when cookies are disabled.


  1. Information Storage:

We confidentially process the information we have about you when you visit our website. Private information is stored, such as, email coordinates in the National eLearning Platform database, and is subject to protection pursuant to preventing search engines from reading content or unauthorized access.


  1. Deleting or Editing Personal Information:

As a user of the National eLearning Platform, you can log in using your email address and password to display your personal information and change it by editing your personal profile page. NELC ensures protecting your privacy and safety through identity verification when using our system. You can contact NELC at any time, by sending an email to the National eLearning Platform Helpdesk to ask any questions or share your concerns.


  1. Disclosure of Your Information:

NELC is committed to responsibly process data and information collected from the National eLearning Platform. We will not sell or trade your personal information. You hereby consent to the access, storage and disclosure by NELC for any information or content you provide if they were legally requested; or when we believe in good faith that this access, storage or disclosure is logically necessary for the following reasons: a) compliance with legal procedures, b) enforcing this agreement, c) responding to any allegations of content violation of third-party rights, d) responding to your service requests, e) protecting private and public rights of the National eLearning Platform’s users, their property, or personal safety. This includes the advertising content shown on your user personal profile page.


  1. Third-Party Websites:

The National eLearning Platform may include links to specific third-party websites. NELC does not own, monitor or operate such websites; nor is it responsible for the privacy policies for these websites or their procedures. The privacy policies and procedures in these websites may differ from our privacy policy and procedures. If you use these relevant websites, you shall bear full responsibility. We encourage you to read the privacy policy for these websites before revealing your personal information.


  1. Concerns:

If you have any concerns regarding the National eLearning Platform, please contact the National eLearning Platform team

  1. Sharing of Data and Information:

NELC may share your data and information with a third-party limited to sending introduction, awareness, and educational messages or others for analytical purposes.